As I prepare this latest work, I wanted to share with you a short clip that involves an example of how to DICTATE to the defense. With the preponderance of robber coverage to counter the spread run game, offensive coaches must find ways to take advantage of automatic checks that come with the rules of the defense...
Part 3 of the iBook series is coming soon! This part will cover the teaching of the overall offense, and include the running game, screens, and installation in addition to the passing game. Further, we have an exciting new platform we will be launching from, so stay tuned. As I prepare this latest work, I wanted to share with you a short clip that involves an example of how to DICTATE to the defense. With the preponderance of robber coverage to counter the spread run game, offensive coaches must find ways to take advantage of automatic checks that come with the rules of the defense... The HIT LISTS that are now available as a separate consulting package feature dozens of ideas like this for each of the major coverage categories.
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One of the things I truly love about having technology constantly at our fingertips is the ability to constantly learn (and teach) football ideas. I am completing one of several projects related to football; the one with the most over-arching relevance is what I am calling my "Hit Lists": Used as a game planning, QB teaching, or even professional development tool, these lists cover 5 major coverage categories and provide the user with a "ready reference" on attacking a given defense. Each coverage will have between 30-40 ideas, and each idea is accompanied by a coaching clip (complete with telestration) highlighting a specific principle. This is much more detailed than saying "4 verts vs. Cover 3"; the guide takes you into the drop angle of specific defenders and in some cases, give outlines in altering the defense's call to get the desired response. Projects like this highlight my study of the defenses my coaches will likely see in the upcoming season. The coach is then equipped with a ready-reference catalog to use during game planning or offseason preparation. More importantly, it does not lock in a coach's creativity; rather, it serves as means to unlock new ideas.
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It will be the first of several slated for this spring; the series will cover many of the topics and material discussed here...AND MORE. I really hate that the topic of conversation about the Patriots is the ball inflation scandal rather than the relentless assault on defensive structures. As the game unfolded, I was extremely impressed that EVERY PLAY was designed to dissect the Colts' defense; I am surely looking forward to ways in which they will attack the coverage tendencies of the Seattle secondary. While the football fan is focused on eligible linemen and the like, I am concentrated on the manner in which the coverage and front structures of a defense are stretched beyond repair. In order to do so, the quarterback must be able to attack when the opportunity presents itself. Because of this, it is integral that the QB MANUAL is more than just a drill book -- IT SHOULD BE A GUIDE TO EXECUTING THE OFFENSE. It should have explanation, diagrams, animated presentations, and video. Here is a small excerpt from my QB MANUAL: Not only must the QB be in tune, but the entire coaching staff as well. That's the reason for developing "HIT LISTS" as a game planning tool. These "HIT LISTS" go even further than the Attacking Coverage section of my QB manual, because focuses the minds of the coaching staff on formations and matchups, and thought processes, as well as pattern and coverage structures: The upcoming Webinars will go hand in hand with the subject matter of the two iBooks that are out, and will also serve as a springboard for the next two, which will cover Teaching and Game Planning.
In addition to Parts 3 and 4 of my iBook series (here), we are working on a web clinic series in that will cover several topics throughout the spring. To answer many questions I have been getting, iBook Part 3 will deal with teaching/ installing, and Part 4 will cover game planning. In order to augment these works, our clinics will cover parts of the QB Manual, Attacking Coverage Section, and our new "Hit Lists" -an update to the game planning menu under consultant services - which serves as a brainstorming tool when combating the major coverage categories.
The season may have come to a close, but there is still PLENTY of football to go around! More information to come... For many coaches, there is no "OFF SEASON" -- conditioning and strength programs are in full swing, and many programs will implement QB School before team-wide football activities will take place. Along those lines, I thought I would list a few bullet points: Feeding a great player - having a specialized section in the game plan is nothing new; one thing I feel is important is that these methods should blend with the regular flow of the offense. In other words, re structuring an entire system just to feature a single player is not the most efficient way to teach for the program's sake. Obviously, if one were lucky enough to have a once-in-a-lifetime talent, one would want to take advantage of that. However, a player can be GREAT for your level without being an NFL prospect. Below, a simple variation to free up a great run after the catch RB is shown with a complete pattern that is a staple of the offense. Taking the same example of passing game match-ups with the back, we can augment the backside of STICK, taking advantage of W on an island: Formationing to create stress on the defense - this is potentially the least expensive way to maximize your offensive attack. Two things that need to be addressed are: - The method for calling plays. If the method for play calling calls for players to know their place in the formation relative to the ball (ex. inside, middle, outside), and there is NOT a descriptive way to call them, this can create chaos. If the plan to take advantage of a great player is to move him around within the formation, the coach must consider the learning burden not only to the star player, but to the players that will be displaced as a result. The ability to move people within a given formation with minimal learning burden is yet another example of the benefits of our terminology structure. The above example isn't the only way to skin a cat; a client approached me this year of incorporating A.C.T.S. into their passing game. We were able to do so without changing ANY existing terminology for them. Whether using word or numbers -- how the core pieces of the passing game are taught remain the same, and kids are able to execute a multi-dimensional attack. - Creating new terminology to build new formations. I have always felt that streamlining the terms used can be of a great benefit. We have a terrific system of calling formations, that minimizes the memorization required at the same time. Keith Grabowsky has also shared some great ideas here. For now, here are the very simple alignment rules we use: The chart above carries across all personnel groupings, and really cuts down the verbiage used in calling formations, allowing for more description in other parts of the call, and allowing for the next bullet point... The use of TEMPO - much has been said on this topic, but I feel the need to clarify a few things. We're all aware of the flashy, video game number-producing, throw it all over the park offense that gets all the media attention. But the reality is that upper level college football is pretty much the only place where teams can play full throttle the entire game and NOT hurt the rest of the team. Either that, or a program like the one I see every Friday night (Allen High School has an enrollment of 6,000+). Even Chip Kelly adjusted last season as his numbers dictated that he do so. That being said, I think analysts often miss the purest advantages of being up tempo from a coach's perspective: - Accelerated player development. Being "up tempo" means devoting a practice philosophy to it (or at least - it should). Working at a faster pace in practice means developing younger players at a faster pace, as backups would get as many repetitions as the starter. In a high school setting, the ability to give the backup QB as many reps as the starter will pay dividends in both the immediate and long term future. - Allows for balance. Contrary to popular belief, I really am a proponent of balance. Even more important - I think an offense has to be able to dictate to the defense. The box count theory of running the ball is great, but the thing I have noticed is this: there is NO answer when you can run the ball right at a defense. The one problem with running it 30-40 times a game? It shortens the game too much, and can potentially let a team that is inferior STAY IN THE GAME. Being up tempo and wide open does not have to be synonymous with soft; below, we see that of the top 25 offenses in Division 1 last year, only 2 huddled on a regular basis. Furthermore, only 3 averaged less than 150 yards rushing per game. The ability to speed up and slow down the game help strike the critical balance between attacking mismatches and physically deconstructing a defense. - Allows for "Navigation Tags." Being able to guide the QB with specialized instruction is made possible when tempo is used as a weapon. I wrote a post about these tags here. - Shifting and Motion. Having played in a college offense that shifted and moved on every snap, I saw very early on in my career the potential for stressing a defense. If there was ever an opportunity to take advantage of shifting and motioning, a no huddle offense that varied its pace could take advantage. Being multiple, in addition to having the capacity to being up tempo, is invaluable in terms of creating stressors for the defense. In business terms, these methods can be thought of as the "delivery" side of the offense. Just as important is the production aspect -- the overall design. Prioritizing your passing game - not only is this pass offense built on its "bedrock" concepts, but it is based on universal individual routes as well. By teaching the primary components of the passing game to all position groups, there is an enormous amount of flexibility. One such route is a DRAG, with the drill illustration below: With every skill group able to execute these fundamental building blocks, we are able to use the DRAG in an array of presentations, giving the defense different problems to consider: Practicing what you preach - too often, we get away from developing a kid's strength, instead focusing on his weaknesses. At most levels of football, coaches cannot afford to do this. The best coaches I've known have maximized the potential of their players. For example, much is made of the pass-catching TE at the NFL level; while a kid may not be a Jimmy Graham, he could be and effective possession receiver, or even a solid seam threat vs. 3 deep. It becomes incumbent on the coach to dial up these match-ups, not as a means of appeasing the player, but as a means of accountability to the program -- the coach must be committed to what is best for the team. Sadly, I often see coaches who are not willing to be unselfish, yet ask players to do the very same.
Taking this a step further, from a team perspective, it is imperative to commit to the development of players. Development involves strategic planning on all levels of program and player development. My last two posts, here and here, address these processes. There is no doubt -- stability is the key to long term success; it is for this reason that a "system" needs to have all the answers, with as few "add-ons" as possible. The ability to adjust, while minimizing learning burden, can only be achieved with a methodical, well-planned apparatus for teaching. As a young coach, I was lucky enough to get exposure to Todd Dodge. It is no stretch to say that his teaching methods influenced an entire generation of coaches here in Texas. While football outsiders think of Dodge's innovations being the spread, no huddle offense in Texas high schools, the innovation that comes to my mind is Quarterback School. The offseason is about player development; before Dodge popularized QB School, very few people were spending the spring making quarterbacks better quarterbacks. I started having QB school in 2000, and while terminology may have changed, the effort in refining my teaching has not. Some quick points: - We were going to develop ALL the QBs in our system - We were going to isolate every aspect of the QB role, from Leadership Competencies to Reading Pass Defenses - We would challenge the QBs; they need to understand the demands of the job - We would empower the QBs. They would be allowed to test their limits on the practice field, so long as it was within the framework of their coaching. In preparation, some key things must be in place: - A complete system. When I speak of a system, I imply a method of teaching and communicating fundamentals and coordination of run and pass games. While different skill sets lead lead to highlighting different play calls, fundamentals should not change. - A glossary of terms. Communication is essential; if all coaches and and QBs are to be on the same page, they must be using the same words, not general ideas. Leave no room for interpretation. - An overall plan. We recently broke QB school into 40 sessions to be held throughout the spring. This allows for fundamentals, scheme definition, and installation before team installation for 7 on 7 or spring practice. Like practice, ever session should be organized. Here is an actual lesson plan from 2001: When we speak of ACCOUNTABILITY, this is a two way street. The coach is accountable to the player. As Coverage Categories, Protection Basics, and Pattern Mechanics are taught, they are done so within the context of giving the players the tools to be successful. As coaches, we must hold up our end of the deal. There is nothing worse than the player making the commitment to learn and get better, only to have the coach give up on the plan come crunch time. While the Spring is the time to experiment, these additions should be made within the context of the overall plan. There should also be an element of pressure involved. Playing the position is difficult, and there is a very real pressure to perform each and every game. Explain this. Be demanding because you care. Lastly, there should be an opportunity for self evaluation on the part of the player. Identify both strengths and weaknesses. Clarify what it will take to win in this league, and what the player is prepared to do in order to achieve this.
"Plan your work; work your plan." In football circles, this phrase is almost cliche. The thing is -- very few staffs TRULY plan out every step of the process. Recently, I had the fortune to work with an old friend; I was impressed in seeing his vision for his program. It was 3-dimensional, with player development, community involvement, and schematics addressed from the youth level upward. This foresight is uncommon; he immediately set out about not only having complete systems on offense and defense, as well as also outlining a plan to develop his talent pool much earlier than most. While QB Development is an obvious focal point of program development, we took this a step further, outlining the skills and development time necessary at each level - at the youth, middle school, freshman, JV, and Varsity levels. A calendar for each is established, and drills are evaluated. QB development wasn't the only focus; while we implemented ACTS principles in the passing game and delineated the structure of the running game, we identified the need to evaluate all the program's personnel. The coach's goal is to have a system for the next 15 years that will adjust to player types, but not have to change wholesale because a great player comes along (or graduates). In other words, the techniques and concepts taught should be the same, regardless if the level or talent level -- a stance or how to carry the football should be taught the same way, whether it be a 7th grader or an all state senior. Coaches must be committed to continuous improvement. For example, if a Head Coach wishes to invest in the "ISO" running play, consideration must be given to the FB-type athletes at each level. If a the varsity group lacked depth at that position, then to coach might want to re-consider such an investment, or alternative solutions - in both personnel and scheme. In this instance, the use of "Lead Draw" action might be useful; using DART from 1 back formations might also be of benefit. In the diagram below, it is easy to see how the same frontside scheme is used, and thus can be fruitful even if a group of kids does not possess the classic fullback. Careful planning ensures not only a seamless transition from middle school to high school, but within a given team's practice structure as well. How often does the newest fad or craze dominate clinic talk, without careful consideration of how additions affect a team's overall plan. Take, for example, the chart below. Given a vision the coach has for an offense, do we make sure that teaching time aligns with the play calls going into a game? Even with the use of up-tempo play calling and an emphasis on quick rhythm dropback, it is easy to conclude that practice must be efficient. For instance, based on this chart, if we were fortunate enough to get 66 plays in a game, we would only get to call 26 total RUNS and FAST SCREENS. Considering many offenses run inside zone, outside zone, power, counter, a trap, option, and draw, one can quickly dilute the offense to the point of ineffectiveness.
Before planning installation, a play package must have an overall place in a system; think of an offense as an ecosystem, where everything is dependent on other members of the food chain. Arbitrarily adding ideas without careful consideration to all factors can do more harm than good, which is why the "re-conceptualization" of the passing game in "Recoded and Reloaded" -- making all components conceptual while easing learning for younger players - can pay huge dividends. |
AuthorLiving in Allen, TX and using this outlet to not only stay close to the game I love, but to help pass on what I have learned from some of the game's great coaching minds. Categories
November 2023